Code of Conduct

NADDI Code of Conduct

NADDI is a not-for-profit association that aims to provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of information and ideas; to develop, implement and monitor ongoing strategies; and to curtail the abuse, misuse, and diversion of controlled substances. Further, NADDI advocates for continued enhancement, funding, and utilization of programs to limit the inappropriate use and diversion of controlled substances. Furthermore, NADDI seeks to provide the expertise and a unified voice of its membership in collaborating and educating: 1) local, state, and federal law enforcement, regulatory authorities, public policy makers; 2) authorized prescribers, dispensers, and distributors; and 3) the community stakeholders at large for the sole purpose of improving the public health and safety in the appropriate use of controlled substances and drug diversion prevention. NADDI ensures its members have access to: online educational content, webinars, member forums, and state, regional and national in-person conferences to achieve its purpose. NADDI members contribute their individual talents, mutual respect, and professionalism. To this end, NADDI seeks to ensure that all participants feel safe, welcome, respected, and engaged.  

By participating in a conference, webinar, or other collaborative setting whether in-person or virtually, you agree to: 

  1. participate in an ethical and transparent manner;
  2. respect the professional and personal views of fellow participants;
  3. participate in full compliance with your employer’s policies governing workplace behavior and applicable laws; 
  4. actively ensure all views and opinions are considered equally; and
  5. actively ensure all participants feel welcomed, safe, and respected.

NADDI will not tolerate harassment of the participants or presenters in its webinars, forums, conferences, or other functions,  in any form, including but not limited to, harassment based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, age, religion, cultural beliefs, political opinions or any other personal status. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, the use of abusive, offensive, disparaging, or degrading language, unwelcome physical contact, physical or social media harassment or intimidation, or stalking. Participants who experience any harassing behavior or other behavior that violates this code of conduct may inform any executive board member of NADDI who will, at their discretion, initiate appropriate action. Individuals that violate this code of conduct policy will be asked to cease the offensive behavior immediately. Other forms of action may include, but not be limited to: notifying employers or other relevant authorities, expulsion from a conference or event without refund, exclusion from future participation in any NADDI activity, censure of a member, or suspension of membership in NADDI. Censure of a member or suspension of membership would only result after an accused has had an opportunity to address and be heard by the NADDI Board on the matter, with counsel if the accused so choses, and with a chance to appeal an adverse decision to a separate review panel as may be assembled by NADDI for said purposes of said review.