NADDI Membership


The NADDI Membership runs in one-year terms beginning from the date of initiation. Renewal notifications are autogenerated by the website and begin 90-days before the membership expiration.

Basic User Account

A Basic User Account is a free, non-member status. This option is for a New User who does not have a User Profile and who wishes to register for an upcoming training event, or to be added to our mailing list.

Individual Membership

$75.00 annual rate. Any person is eligible to be a member if they are employed, or actively involved, in the field of law enforcement as an investigator of drug abuse, misuse, or related drug crimes; engaged in the field of pharmacology; involved in the development, advocacy, or enforcement of laws involving controlled substances; responsible for investigating health care professionals, facilities, or health care related activities; or professionals, or a member of a professional organization, involved in the prevention and education of drug misuse and abuse and, have no conflicting issues with the goals and mission of the organization as determined by the Executive Board.

Law Enforcement Membership

Free. The Law Enforcement Membership is for members of local, state, and federal law enforcement or military agencies who are actively employed in a law enforcement or military agency, and whose primary duty is to investigate and enforce criminal violations of law and make arrests.  This includes but is not limited to: Police (state, local or federal), Criminal Investigators, Medicaid Fraud Investigators, Crime Analysts, Probation Officers, Prosecutors, Judges, and Sworn Medical Board Investigators.

Corporate Membership

Inclusive with a preapproved Corporate Membership package approved by the NADDI Executive Board. To inquiry if your organization/agency is a NADDI Corporate Member, or if you wish to enroll your organization as a Corporate Member Click Here.


NADDI is the leading drug training organization in the nation, with the largest networking platform for professionals involved in the field of illicit drug diversion and the ongoing drug crisis. The NADDI networking platform provides the opportunity to bring diverse viewpoints, education, support, and resources to the individuals facing the challenges in the fight against illicit drugs in the areas of adulteration, counterfeiting, drug trafficking, healthcare fraud, and so much more. It is the perfect platform to make connections and build strong professional relationships.