Basic User Account
A Basic User Account is not a membership. A Basic User Account is required for non-members to register for trainings and access various parts of our website. A Basic User Account does not grant access to the NADDI Membership directory or other “member-only” sections.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership is for any person if they are employed, or actively involved, in the field of law enforcement as an investigator of pharmaceutical drug abuse, misuse, or related drug crimes; engaged in the field of pharmacology; involved in the development, advocacy, or enforcement of laws involving Controlled Substances; responsible for investigating health care professionals, facilities, or health care related activities; or professionals, or a member of a professional organization, involved in the prevention and education of pharmaceutical drug diversion and whom does not meet the criteria for either a Corporate Membership, or a (sworn) Law Enforcement membership.
Membership is subject to the approval of the Executive Board of Directors and expires after 1 Year.
Corporate Membership Applicant
You must be an employee of one of the following partners to be eligible for a Corporate Membership.
- Amazon HealthCare Security Operations
- Blockchain Intelligence Group
- Bluesight
- Equifax - NPLEx
- Florida Department of Health - Bureau of Enforcement
- Guidepost Solutions
- LARA - Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs - Bureau of Professional Licensing
- Ohio Board of Pharmacy
- State Medical Board of Ohio
- Partnership for Safe Medicines
- Priority Ambulance
- Protenus
- Santa Clara Valley Healthcare - Pharmacy Staff
- Wolters Kluwer
Corporate membership is valid based on annual renewal by the corporation.
Law Enforcement Membership Applicant
Law Enforcement Membership is for members of local, state, and federal law enforcement or military agencies who are actively employed in a law enforcement or military agency, and whose primary duty is to investigate and enforce criminal violations of law, and make arrests. This includes but is not limited to: Police (state, local or federal), Criminal Investigators, Medicaid Fraud Investigators, Crime Analysts, Probation Officers, Prosecutors, Judges, and Sworn Medical Board Investigators.
Membership is subject to the approval of the Executive Board of Directors and expires after 1 Year. Individuals who qualify may renew after 1 year.