— Associate Training & Education Director of NADDI —
The Associate Training and Education Director(s) assist in the development and implementation of NADDI Training Conferences; and other duties as may be assigned by the President, or the Executive Board.
Marc brings several decades of knowledge, training, and experience in healthcare and enforcement to the NADDI organization.
Email: mgonzalez@naddi.org
Phone: (805) 796-7572
Marc Gonzalez is a man of many talents and brings to NADDI the diversity of his abilities.
Beginning with: Marc is a Pharm.D and earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy.
Marc is the President of the Professional Diversion Intelligence Network, providing training to military, law enforcement and health care.
Marc also provides consulting services which include compliance evaluations for all entities registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration including doctors practicing in pain management. He also provides expert testimony on all drug related matters from appropriate prescribing to drug facilitated sexual assault.
Marc is the President of Safe Call Now, a 24-hour Crisis Hotline, “Saving the Lives that Protect Us.”
In his teaching capacity, Marc serves as a consultant for the Department of Defense; training and advising military, law enforcement, and participating in various projects requested from as high as the Office of the President. He is also the lead instructor for the Department of Defense’s Regional Counter Drug and previously taught at Mid-west Counter Drug, and Western Counterdrug Training Academies at their resident military bases throughout the country. Marc is currently an instructor for the California Narcotic Officers’ Association and the International Chiefs’ of Police – Drug Recognition Experts. He developed the original section on “Medical and Psychological Rule-outs” for the IACP-DRE, and is part of the core course for DRE with the California Highway Patrol, Impair Driver Unit’s “Pre-School” and the Los Angeles Police Department’s “Re-Certification” DRE School.
Marc has re-certified DRE’s throughout the country, and is a graduate of Senator Presley’s Institute for Criminal Investigation, which allows him to certify other instructors as California Peace Officer Standards and Training, Instructors.
As well has his law enforcement expertise, Dr. Gonzalez has instructed health care personnel on Advanced Cardiac Life Support and military/law enforcement on Tactical Emergency Treatment and the medical aspects of Biological and Chemical warfare agents. He served on a response team for hospitals in the Los Angeles area in the event of an attack.
Dr. Gonzalez previously worked in the private sector as a Law Enforcement Liaison and Educator training thousands of law enforcement officers, health care professionals, military, and military investigative services. Dr. Gonzalez previously worked for the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, as a peace officer, where he supervised investigations involving violations of state and federal laws and regulations relating to medical practitioners and allied health professionals.
Marc was also a California State Board of Pharmacy Inspector.
Marc came to NADDI after serving as Head of the Professional Diversion Intelligence Network/Drug Enforcement Administration, a training and task force dealing with pharmaceutical diversion cases nation-wide. As head of this task force, he was awarded the highest Award that can be given to a California Peace officer by then Attorney General Dan Lungren.
In the University setting, Dr. Gonzalez was a Clinical Instructor of Pharmacy at the University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy where he taught interns and residents on Acute Care Medicine, Surgical Intensive Care, Burn Intensive Care and Psychopharmacology in their clinical rotations. Additionally, he was on the United States Attorney General’s Speakers Bureau for the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration to present topics on pharmaceutical diversion.
In his spare time, Marc is a certified instructor of Arrest and Control techniques, holding the rank of Black belt in three different styles of martial arts. He was the State of California’s Lead Defensive Tactics Instructor and developed a complete course of POST Certified techniques and escapes.
And just for fun, Marc has physical endurance hobbies and has completed 22 Ultra Marathons, 64 Marathons, 52 Half Marathons, and 11 Triathlons. Dr. Gonzalez has 53 years of Martial Arts Training and Instructing in Hapkido, Kempo, Kick Boxing, Kung Fu, and Aikido.